Monday, November 19, 2012

Stuck in the past

These days I seem to be surrounded by people that are stuck in the past. For whatever reason they can't seem to move forward and live freely. Whether it's an ex-lover, a relationship that went south or even a relationship that never materialised; some people are stuck on historical or political events that unfolded a gazillion years ago. What binds these people together is that they're all crying over spilt milk, harping on about something that has no bearing on today and in doing so are essentially held in a constant state of inertia.

What I wonder is... why? Why is it so hard for them to to come out of this situation and why do they keep reverting to it every so often? Whether it's a state of religiousness, or mourning someone that passed away an eternity ago, or mourning a relationship that didn't go your way I don't think any good comes of this. Life is something we ought to celebrate, even when things don't go our way. We need to learn the lessons and keep on putting one foot in front of the other. Sure not everything is ideal and not everything turns out as it should, but it's important to take the positive, disregard the negative (but understand what went wrong and why) and build on that.

Bad things happen. Sometimes they happen to good people. Sometimes tragedies befall good families. Sometimes the individual deserved it. However, if we let ourselves be held back by events of the past we're losing out on life. The deceased person or relationship ran it's course and for whatever reason things didn't work out. Now's time to grab life by the collar, and go get what you want.

More on this later. For now people really need to stop dwelling on what has happened and start shaping the future. Otherwise... how are we ever going to progress as a people? as a nation? as individuals? Stop idolising the past and building monuments to things that no longer exist... focus on what's in front of you, the rest of your life, still waiting to be lived out. Do something worthwhile instead of grieving for what's gone.

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