So there's soooo many things going on in life and it's so hard to strike a balance. You're only young once and there's things that if you don't do now the opportunities may pass you by. Juggling responsibilities is hard enough, but in between keeping all the balls in the air, if you wanna do a little square dance too - chances are something's going to fumble. Is that where prioritising comes in?
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You're dating, you're partying, you're living it up, but you want to settle down. You have a stable job and are financially okay enough to support at least your self and perhaps another. You want to study. You want to have kids. You can't leave it too late. You're a banker boy and your crazy work hours leave little time for relationships and socialising. You're a doctor and picking a speciality is hard because you can't ignore that there's other aspects of life that demand attention. You're an artist and your passion is spilling bottles of pigment onto canvas but you need the money to survive.
It's no wonder that in this day and age stress levels are through the roof. You've just about finished studying at 22-23, you want to date, you want to settle down, but hey you want to study some more, and progress in your career. Wait you're going to be thirty soon - *body clock ticking* - you need to have a baby. Just the thought of it makes my head spin. If we thought a day whizzes by, sometimes they can't whizz by fast enough. Years are not enough. 365 days... it's nothing. Not when I'm planning my future. In five years i'll be thirty and at the pace I'm going at my timeline won't work! *freak out*
Do I just do my best, take a breath, trust that it'll all work out and let the universe handle it? Just have faith that in the end it'll all make sense, my journey? If I don't try my best I'm afraid I may end up in the wrong place. I don't want to have myself to blame. But there I go again, thinking about it, more stress.
The thing I have come to realise is that life waits for no one. When that moment comes and in a dramatic, or not so dramatic flash, your memories start to roll, I bet it's your family, loved ones, the times you laughed, and all that jazz that flashes before your eyes. Not the college paper you scrambled to hand in or the pay raise you got, neither will it be the meeting you missed valentine's day for or the patient you saw while your family waited for you at the dining table.
So I think THAT pretty much clears it up. Prioritise. But wait... you need the one for the other. If you don't have some form of stability - financially - you can't have the other good stuff too can you? Or are we just spoilt? Why do we kill ourselves to make a living and then die working? What kind of life is that? Something to think about... I shall continue this tomorrow so that I stop rambling round in circles!
*get lost in thought*
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