Friday, July 27, 2012

Down in the dumps!

Sometimes we don’t get what we want – or we don’t always get what we want – either way in testing  times like these we have to just make do with what we have and what we need. It’s so easy to be sucked into a downward spiral when things aren’t going your way and it becomes increasingly difficult to remember or try to stay positive. There’s something good about every day, but when your life feels like one big black hole and you’re stuck in an emotional void feeling numb and so not feeling at all, these good things get blurry and are often hard to make out.

Whether it’s a job that you got turned down from, a boy that broke your heart, parents that can’t accept you’re an adult, or a decision you made that had unforeseen consequences... when you’ve done everything in your power to make something happen and it’s not happening how you’d like perhaps you just need to have faith that either it’s not meant to be, or then, it’s not meant to be quite yet. If it’s something that’s gone terribly wrong, try to look for the lesson, if not the silver lining. What can you learn from this experience? We must believe that the universe has a plan for us and ultimately we will get to that place where we are insanely happy, but for now this is the path we have to tread to get there. Once we’re there perhaps we will appreciate our journey, but for now, it’s treacherous at best. Hang in there, the murkiness will soon clear and you’ll be able to see the bright sunshine once again. Cue “I can see clearly now the rain has gone...”

It’s also good to sometimes have an outlet. What do you feel? I know we like to say we’re numb, but that usually comes from feeling too much of an emotion. So what is it? Anger? Hurt? Regret? Sadness? We can take these negative feelings and use the energy to do something positive. Perhaps you can volunteer time at a shelter and distract yourself while focusing on other people’s problems and seeing how much you have to be grateful for. In doing this you’re also doing something good, and we all know how karma works. Points! If you’re filled with anger and your blood is boiling, perhaps take a self defence class. Learn how to kick box or join a fitness regime. It’ll get your adrenaline pumping and get the anger out of your system in a series of kicks, jabs, and punches! When you’re feeling low I find that what always helps is making someone else happy – it works better than people trying to make you happy. Bake a batch of cupcakes for someone, take someone for coffee, help a little old lady cross the road, donate some old clothes, play with an animal. You’ll be surprised at what this will do for your morale.

[caption id="attachment_117" align="aligncenter" width="329"] Don't be grouchy![/caption]

Most important is to trust in life’s plan for us and know that, as Soren Kierkegaard put it, life must be lived as we our living it but it can only be understood backwards. Have faith that life will work itself out and you will be happy at the end of the day. Let this trying moment make your back stronger so that when life throws you a curved ball you can handle it and carry the burdens that come your way. And for each moment that you think you’ve got it easy, be incredibly grateful, because you know how difficult things can sometimes be.




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