Monday, September 17, 2012


So I finished reading Fifty Shades of Grey, and believe it or not, I can't wait to pick up the two books that follow. For one, E L James left readers pretty much hanging, but also because, I am intrigued by the psychologies and emotions I see. It's still not a well written book - I'm reading "The Best of Me" by Nicholas Sparks alongside and each page has so much description, each line brings an image to your mind as if you're watching a movie - Fifty Shades is nothing in comparison in terms of literary writing. But she's definitely got something there. Can't quite put a finger on it.

Anyway, I digress...

Where I was going with this was... it got me thinking, do we women always want "more"? Is our appetite insatiable when it comes to love and emotion? Can we really never get enough? Is "more" even something we can define? And with these thought, I sat to think... and I arrived at the conclusion, that it seems to be true! We're greedy in relationships, especially when we fall in love. We're selfish. Or I am at least, but hey, I'm going to generalise for now, based on a small focus group of girls I associate with!

BF can give us ten hours a day, but we'll want twelve. He'll give us a ring and we'll want a fantabulous wedding. He'll commit himself to us for life but we want to throw in some additional clauses. So is it us women, then, that make relationships so complicated? I'm a little scared to admit it, but again, I think I've got something. Men are literal. They say what they mean, they don't mince their words, there's no hints or undertones. If he's mad you can tell by his demeanour, if he's grouchy you can see it on his face, if you're successfully cheering him up you'll see a genuine smile spread across his face. Very seldom will you see a man complicating things by putting on a facade or misleading or even asking for more. I'm sure there's the exception - but I'm, again, talking about generally. Even if they did want more, they'd probably just go on and say it rather than beat around the bush.

Something to think about?

Thoughts prompted by the relationship of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. 


  1. I have just finished reading all the three books in succession.. I must say the books gave me "more" than I thought I would get.
    It is true... We ladies have a certain fantasy idea floating in our heads whenever we enter into a relationship. We always want "more" but we are not able to help our guy out by articulating what exactly the "more" is... We do make things complicated. But hey! If we are predictable like the men, the relationship would be a real boring one, wouldn't it? :)
