Thursday, September 13, 2012

Things I'd like to leave behind...

So I got to thinking, when I die... what will be left of me other than me resting in pieces, a modest gravestone with a few nice words and a cherry blossom to mark the spot (yes, this is how I want to buried...). Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, by the time we get to whenever life flashes before our eyes I'm sure it doesn't seem like we've lived an eternity, as it appears to now.

I think I'll add to this list as time goes by, if not on this blog at least mentally... but when I die I want to leave behind

* At least two beautiful children, inside and out, who're good human being and know and stand up for what's right and admonish what's wrong. I want them to be strong people, both in their personalities and their conviction - because it's so easy in today's world to be led astray. I want them to make a difference in the world and I want to give them that confidence and strength to know that they can.

* I'd like to leave behind my words, perhaps a novel is too ambitious, and a blog not ambitious enough. But I'd like to leave behind perhaps a collection of short stories or a novelette. Something with my name on it.

* A sustainable business, a brand, a label and above all an enterprise for underprivileged women which liberates them and gives them the power to make their lives better, to provide basic needs for them and their families. This has been my lifelong dream, living in Pakistan, a country where a select few have everything handed to them on a plate while others are living hand-to-mouth, fighting for their basic rights, and failing. I yearn to give the generations ahead more liberation, education (academic and regarding life), freedom, rights, clothes, power. I want every child to flourish and be the same as I'd want my own children to be.

* A school of sorts - to impart knowledge, well-being, dos and don'ts, to look after children, to give them strength and confidence and to make them into the best people that they can be. To challenge them and help them grow, question, make decisions. To help them become someone and achieve their potential.

* An animal shelter where each resident is loved, cared for, fed, given a place to sleep comfortably, perhaps found a loving home, and cuddles :) I don't know if I've let on but I ADORE animals. It breaks my heart to see an animal suffer, especially when they're doing us no harm. Would it hurt us to help them and show them a little love?

* Paintings. Lots of them. In good homes. Which reminds me - I have a lot of paintings up for adoption. They're all looking for good homes!

* Most of all I want to leave behind precious memories for my loved ones to always treasure. Make each moment, each conversation, each touch, count. To always say what I'm feeling when it's good and try hard to be happy. With such little time, unhappy moments are moments wasted.

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