Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quotes of the Day!

I've been soooo busy these past few days that I've only been able to throw one quote your way! But today... I stumbled many before I found some perfect ones. I guess each day's quotes kinda reflect how I'm feeling, I wonder if that comes across?



  1. If I can paraphrase you, being in a relationship is fu**ing hard. Don't do it if you are not prepared to sacrifice a great deal for the benefit of keeping the relationship, in and of and for itself. There is no guarantee that you will ge the benefits you think you'll get and there is every reason to think it will be difficult. In fact, 50% of everyone who gets married in the USA also gets divorced despite, or perhaps because of, their religious beliefs or morals and ethics. Basically, don't do it unless you're certain you're tough enough to withstand the brutal assault this will be on your id/ego.

  2. wow! that's awfully cynical though, don't you think? i like to think i make very well informed, smart, decisions... and if/when i decide to marry/settle i'm pretty sure i'll go into it with a clear head and open heart, willing to make compromises etc. life's just better like that. at least i think so!

  3. Well, yes, cynical. If you take love away from the equation of marriage it's just a contract. A contract that makes a lot of demands on each party. One that I think you should not sign without foreknowledge of the effort it will require.

    The classic marriage vows attempt to make the participants swear to such efforts. You and I are saying the same thing essentially, I just see it without the rose tint of love coloring everything.
