We live in a world of endless possibilities and though the wide variety of choices available to us should make us happier it often ends up having the opposite effect and bums us out! So what can we do to lead a life that leaves us feeling more fulfilled?
You need a core group of friends...
Friendship is one of life’s main joys and a posse that is close to your heart will generally offer a wholesome support system when you need it. “Friendship is one of life’s main joys,” says David Niven, PhD, author of ‘The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People’. Keep in mind that a ‘core’ means having a small, close-knit group, who don’t need to all be friends with each other, but they should be able to be open with you and you with them.
A girl’s got to have adventures!
And often too! Recall your favourite memory... I’m sure it wasn’t when you were sitting at your desk or studying hard for an exam, in fact, I’m pretty certain it involved something different and perhaps even daring. “If everything you did in life was safe, you’d never have any exhilarating moments or crazy experiences to recall, both of which give you the sense that you’re truly living,” explains Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, author of Quiet Mind, Fearless Heart. Now we’re not suggesting you go totally nuts and start living recklessly, but every now and then let down your guard and have some fun!
Toss the excess stuff...
Clutter your space and you clutter your mind, and that’s never a fun place to be. Not only that but when you’re making enough money and can afford anything you set your sights on the ability to appreciate it almost simultaneously goes out the window. It also makes you cling to your belongings and become somewhat of a hoarder. “Extra belongings weigh us down and crowd our space, making us feel overwhelmed and disorganized,” says Dr. Taylor, adding that “lightening up will help you regain control and, therefore, happiness.” Keep what you need, a few sentimental valuables, and toss the rest – you’ll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders.
Find the right balance...
Running around all day taking care of work, chores or responsibilities will drain you and eat into your store of positive energy. Lying around on the couch all day, being lazy and drifting along, wasting your day will most likely have a similar effect. Over exerting yourself stresses us out while inactivity breeds boredom and inspires feelings of uselessness and depression. The key here is to strike a balance. Find the right amount of work and play that works for you. Reward yourself for the work hours that you put in with dead time to give your body and mind time to rejuvenate and relax.
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