Monday, March 18, 2013


They say that love makes you crazy. I guess it's kind of true. It numbs things. Makes your brain stupid. Makes one question EVERYTHING. Smile randomly like an idiot when thinking about this other person, even if they're a gazillion miles away. Just knowing that you're in their thoughts is enough. Knowing that they're out there, doing their best, making themselves the best that they can be for you so that together you'll be the perfect us. Uff! Makes me mental.

Love can make you do the silliest things, utter words and lines that you never thought you would. They can make you a complete wuss and make you cry because you have no idea where you are and what you're doing and you're in so deep! Do you feel like that too?

Here are just some random things that made me smile :) I hope they'll make ya'll smile too!


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