Sunday, March 3, 2013

Someone Else's Seconds?

So I came across this ad - I've seen it before, but I saw it again recently... ok I actually saw the Aston Martin one which is a lot more provokative, but they got me thinking. In western culture men & women alike get around, have a myriad of relationships before they finally find someone they're willing to settle for or want to start a life with. Whether they're open and honest with one another or their past is blurry, it's not something that's held against them.


This side of the world though, it's not so easy... With men, less so, but with a girl, once she's "with" someone, dating essentially, whether or not their relationship has gone much further beyond holding hands, her reputation is essentially tarnished. For those who embark on physical adventures, they've pretty much signed their lives off to these guys as they know that not many other respectable families or boys would be willing to give them a shot. It's sad, really, because the hypocrisy and double standards that are involved means that the guys are doing it just as much, they're sleeping around, having fun, but when it comes to the girl they make their wife, they want her to be untouched, even by them, and pure of mind, heart and soul.

So... if you get a great girl, fun, outgoing, confident, kind, generous, lovely personality, but you're not the first... do you care?

1 comment:

  1. Vampire's road trip: We want to drop a line saying we were here!
