So this was a good few days. Sometimes things got stressful and hectic but I found good ways to deal with slash take care of the situation. Now I'm sitting at the airport... waiting. My flight was supposed to take off at 7pm, but was then delayed to 10.30... it's not 10.22 and I'm yet to board. Oh... some activity going on, so looks like we're going to board soon. I'm not sure exactly what I wanted to say except that sometimes when life gives you lemons or throws you a curved ball and all that jazz you just hafto stick it out, ride the wave, and be patient. And things turn out ok. They work for the better. You may not see it at that point in time but you will do, eventually, someday. Your decisions will make sense, trials, tribulations, circumstances will start to feel like points of a path that led you to exactly where you're supposed to be. I can't explain how this weekend had anything to do with this epiphany, but I thought it's one I'd share!
Back to work from tomorrow, and hopefully back to more routine blogging! :) Hope ya'll had a good weekend!
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