Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Behind every good man...

Behind every good man...

10 ways in which a woman (and a good one of course) improves a guy's life. Here we go... starting from number 10, along with my thoughts, but do check out the link too (it's that pink bit up above)!

10. Makes him more social: ummm... well I'll have to disagree there. I'm less social than my other half. Really not so much of a party person. I prefer small, intimate, get-togethers and hanging out. When I do party, I still want to be in my bubble of just us.

9. She'll make him better in bed: hmmm... so do we ladies go for the guys with a lot of experience or are we willing to do the teaching? :P "Boredom is the enemy of monogamy" - gotta agree there. Definitely worth keeping things interesting, both in and out of the bedroom ;)

8. She makes him normal, curbs his neuroses and in effect makes him more productive: I guess this could be true, both people tend to act as a support for the other and therefore bring about a balance.

7. She'll keep him honest: This I can pretty much guarantee... men lie, to us and themselves. Not for any real gain, but perhaps it's a lazy, procrastinating thing. Women will call them out on it and make them see reality...

6. She'll ensure that he's healthy: Not only because she loves him and would like for her man to live forever, but also because they're generally more particular with counting calories, watching their weight and maintaining a regimented diet/exercise program. At least I am. Plus wouldn't you want to look good for your significant other?

5. She makes him think about the future: I'm not saying long-term visionary but hey, when you're in the right relationship you do start thinking marriage, kids etc. (predictable stuff) but a good lass will also make her guy ask the right questions regarding career, ambitions, goals, things he wants to accomplish in life, bucket lists, and she'll find ways to help him get there.

4. She keeps him motivated: Yep! M will testify to this one. Girls will kick boys' butts when they need it or just gently coerce them into keeping themselves on track with regard to the above mention stuff.

3. She'll bring adventure and new things into his life: Again, not sure if I agree with this entirely. Depends on the girl's personality and could work the other way also. After all she may be the unadventurous one!

2. She provides stability: Yep! For sure...! With more energy to focus on things that matter now that you've got this down, someone to rely on and support you through thick and thin, life will seem a lot more, well, stable.

1. She sees the best in him: And in turn helps him see himself as such. She'll boost his ego and make him feel like a king who can accomplish anything he sets his mind to... and then... he can!

Oh speaking of behind every good man, have you heard that joke...? "Behind every successful woman is a man... staring at her ass!"

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