Saturday, October 13, 2012


I shattered my iPod touch screen on Thursday and had to send it for repair and was muchos upset! looks like someone nazrofied (looked at it with an evil eye) it :( It's fixed now!

Work has been working me to the bone as I launched a brand of men's jeans into the local Pakistani market. the orders just keep coming in and the fact that they want my designs is flattering beyond belief - so I guess the work pays off.

then there's the issue of applying to universities for my masters for 2014 - given the apocalypse holds off until then. oh and I woke up feeling like I have a terrible hangover today. anddd it's Sunday! roarrr!

so here I am, lying in bed, being lazy while i can, enjoying quality time with my bed and duvet. think i'll also go play with dexter - my dog - because I couldn't give him much time yesterday.

in the mean time, here's some random stuff I came across on 9gag and liked...

20121014-111553 AM.jpg

20121014-111638 AM.jpg

20121014-111737 AM.jpg

20121014-111754 AM.jpg

20121014-111830 AM.jpg

oh and this is what my iPod looked like before the repair!

20121014-111912 AM.jpg

20121014-111924 AM.jpg

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